Sunday, January 16, 2011

Growing pains

I'm loving all the negativity.


Man, I wish so many people disliked me all the time.

It's just funny to me how even when I try so hard to be friends, (genuinely, I might add), there's something about me that juuuust repels people.

But hey, soon we'll all go off to different colleges and a new crowd will have to put up with me. So you guys won't ever have to see me again if you don't want to, which at least four of you don't.

So there it is.

Man oh man.

I love growing pains.

However, with weakened relationships, old ones are strengthened, and that's comforting.


robottii said...

Well I here for you till you can't stand me anymore then you are more than welcome to cast me away. But until then lets let the good times roll and never forget the memories we already made and will make in the future.