Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Okonkwo had it right

Things do fall apart.

I moved in with my mom yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be, but I do feel bad about sort of sneaking out and never coming back. My dad tried calling me but I didn't answer. Not on purpose or anything - my phone was on silent - but I didn't call him back. I just texted him. I think he feels like I really don't like him.

To an extent, that's sort of true. Right now, I really just don't like him all that much. I still love him, but I can't be around him.

We had a three-hour discussion that included me, my step-mom, and my dad. Three hours, we sat and talked. I opened up to them and revealed my fear of the future, my heavy depression, my caution and sensibility with Brian, and I thought that they really understood me after that.

But then, the next morning, I had an intense migraine - one of the worst I've ever had - and said I was staying home from school, to which my dad's first response was, "Is Brian coming over?"

So that's it. At least for now. I need some time away from them. My mind is so screwed up right now and I just can't deal with all of his shit, too.