Kate Howell June 28 at 3:11pm
I've been reading your blog, and I've discovered that I'm a Clairsentient, but I still have a lot of questions on the subject, and since Clairsentients are different than Empaths, I was wondering if I could just ask you directly? :) I love your blog so incredibly much - particularly because I'm a depressed person just by nature and the way you write makes sense to me.
Misuchi Sakurai June 28 at 3:24pm.
Sure...feel free to ask. ^_^
Kate Howell June 28 at 3:29pm
Okay, I took this test and it told me that I was a Communication Empath, which makes a lot of sense because I feel intense emotion when it comes to colors, fictional characters, music, words, art, etc.
My question, however, is about feeling other people's auras. Ever since I was a little girl, I've had really good instincts when it came to people. I knew who to talk to and who to stay away from. I couldn't ever explain why, especially because there was a guy that all my friends just adored (and still adore) but I really can't be around him. He's disgusting to me - like there's something soulless about him. Lo and behold, he turned out to be a sleaze and a pathological liar.
What is it called when someone can feel a kindred spirit or a very non-kindred spirit?
Misuchi Sakurai June 28 at 5:02pm
Okay lets try and break this down a little bit so you understand it. Clairsentience is part of something called the Clair abilities, which are heightened senses basically. Clairsentience means Clear Feeling and can be broken down into two things called Feeler Clairsentience and Prophetic Clairsentience. In the range of gifts of Feeler Clairsentience are Empathy and Psychometry...and can also range out to things like hands on healing.
Now that I've gotten that all out of the way (lol), what you are talking about sounds like a gift Clear feeling toward this young man. Empathy's scope isn't just about feeling other people's traumas and emotions....it can also range into intent and lies. It can be based on body language and microexpressions, as much as feeling, as well. "Feeling" is the overall sense you receive from your senses about someone...and heightened senses, as well. It's as much that feeling that tells you "ew....sleazy" as it is the feeling of reaching out to help someone.
Feeling colors...inside people...auras...is very natural. It's simply most people don't think in those terms when they look at a human body. Your mind will feel a color like it does an emotion, because colors are often used to express emotion through visual arts. Your entire world is made up of color, in fact.
Does this help a little bit?
Kate Howell June 28 at 5:54pm
Yeah, that does help a lot, but now I'm wondering whether or not I have Clairsentience or just really awesome observational/analytical skills.
So, basically, everyone "feels" everything the way we do, they just don't process it the same way, or even at all?
Misuchi Sakurai June 28 at 6:03pm
Mmmm...I think its more like this. Everyone is capable of doing what we do. To what extent..what level..differentiates based on the person. And a good portion of them don't process it the same way. But having good observational/analytical skills is part of having clair abilities because you are utilizing your senses ways other people probably aren't.
Let's see...there is a test on emotional intelligence and empathy quotient you could take. They rate your levels. The emotional intelligence quiz has like 100 questions...so its LONG. http://www.queendom.com/tests/access_page/index.htm?idRegTest=1121
And the empathy quotient quiz is really good, as well. http://www.glennrowe.net/BaronCohen/EmpathyQuotient/EmpathyQuotient.aspx
See it's not just about a quiz you take...thats just the beginning. It's about learning all about yourself and what you can do, despite what titles you put on it...Empathy or Clairsentience. ^_^
Kate Howell June 28 at 7:00pm
On the first test this was my result:
According to your self-report answers, your emotional intelligence is somewhat poor. People who score like you may at times feel that they have trouble dealing with their own emotions and those of others. They sometimes struggle to overcome difficulties in their lives and they are not always able to control their moods. It may be hard for them to understand how best to motivate themselves to overcome obstacles and reach their goals. In addition, they find social interactions difficult at times, for several reasons. They may have trouble allowing themselves to get close with others, finding it difficult to be vulnerable enough to establish intimacy or perhaps lacking understanding of, or comfort with, social interactions. Perhaps by working on your problem areas, you can become more confident in dealing with your own emotions and those of others.
I am a moody person, and it is hard to get me motivated to reach my goals, but it is not hard for me to get close to others. At all. I guess that was just the "self report" though, and not the ability part. When it comes to me dealing with myself, I am definitely not skilled. I'm moody, I can't focus, I'm always in and out of depression, and I set myself up for failure.
On the second test, I got a 51 out of 80, which is upper average.
I feel like there are three people inside my mind:
There's the me that I want to be, who's charming, healthy, artistic, sensitive, confident, and logical.
There's the me that I could be but I'm fighting to stay away from, who's lazy, insecure, depressed, selfish, overweight, and emotional.
And then there's the me that I am now, who's a mixture of the two but is slipping uncontrollably into the second me.
I try so hard to focus, but I can't force myself to do anything, like other people can. For example, I want to do my homework, but I consciously choose not to even though I know I'll regret the decision.
And now apparently I'm not even very empathic. :/
Do you have any advice?
Misuchi Sakurai June 28 at 7:25pm
Mmm tests only gauge what the person who created them wants them to gauge, and they aren't always accurate. The truth lays in you and what you believe about yourself. Your results aren't bad. They just tell you that there are areas that can be worked on. That's true for all of us, isn't it?
The person you want to be is also the person you are. She will always have flaws as well as beautiful things about her. So instead of trying to be something....see the good in you that is already there. It really is there, you know. ^_^
Kate Howell June 28 at 9:22pm
That's so hard to believe sometimes. :/ And I definitely know that you understand that, 'cause I've been reading your blog so much lately.
I mean, I know I'm creative and understanding, but I have practically no confidence in myself as a person, you know? And I really want to be a filmmaker when I get out on my own. I started trying to direct a musical out of thin air, but a lot of people backed down on me when I needed them the most. Now I'm just trying to get it back on its feet, but I feel like only a few people support me.
I want to not have any flaws, because that's the person that everyone can enjoy or at least respect. :/
Thank you so much for your help, Misu. :) Giving advice to a perfect stranger is very generous of you.
Misuchi Sakurai June 28 at 11:28pm
You know...I'm not perfect. You probably gauged that from my blogs. lol I have been through hell and back, and during those times I wasn't always the nicest person. And I certainly couldn't see anything good in me all to often.
But whether we see it or not, its there. And what other people see, is what we see in ourselves. Respect can be born out of an illusion, but then you are constantly worrying about maintaining that illusion. And you are worth knowing, loving and respecting for who you are. ^_^
Kate Howell June 29 at 12:28am
I feel like I haven't earned it. :/ I want to be someone that other people can come to when they need help or a good time, but I'm not very dependable and I'm insanely emotional. I feel like I need to break free from myself before I can truly become the person I want to be, but I don't know how.
When you were not a nice person, you were going through the hardest times of your life. I don't have a reason to be the way I am. xx My "hard" times involve my parents being divorced when I was five, my dad being a bit of a jerk and my grandfather dying. That's pretty much the extent of it. But, being the big ball of energy and emotion I am, the emotions were so exaggerated in my mind that I just fed off of it and continued manic-depressive cycles all throughout my life.
My mom has me taking antidepressants because nobody can help me. I thought it was normal to feel the way I did (do) but apparently it's really not.
My self-mutilation is the criticism with which I infect myself. The things I tell myself are much worse than anything anyone else has ever told me.
I guess that's really everybody, though, isn't it?
Monday, June 28, 2010
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